Atlante Technology
FAQ n°22095, publiée le 10/06/2022, mise à jour le 30/08/2022
Comment afficher ma carte d'affaire=carte de visite dans MIS1?

Savez-vous que vous pouvez intégrer dans vos paramètres MIS1, VOTRE CARTE D'AFFAIRE?

Cette possibilité vous permet ensuite de la visualiser sur l'écran de votre téléphone Android à partir de votre application MIS1.


a)Cette fonction va vous permettre de montrer VOTRE CARTE D'AFFAIRE à quelqu'un très facilement!

b)Cette fonction n'est disponible que dans MIS1 PRO et MIS1 ELITE!

c)Pour intégrer la photo de votre carte d'affaire dans MIS1, cliquez sur ce lien ;-)

Le raccourci pour activer cet affichage personnalisé est :

1) Ouvrez le menu principal de MIS1

2) Appuyez longuement(plus de 2s) sur l'icone Contacts-S

et voila!

3) Votre carte d'affaire s'affiche! 

*carte d'affaire = carte de visite

F.A.Qs   (New Customers)

I already use an SMS application, why change?

...because MIS1 will automatically encrypt your communications (SMS and EMAILS) end-to-end for you. YOU HAVE NO ADD'ON OR PLUGINS TO INSTALL and all your SECURED exchanges made in MIS1 will be AUTOMATICALLY confidential and remain secret between you and your contacts.

It's a new application that's still not very well known, so why should I use it?

...MIS1 innovates. It's the culmination of 5 years of R&D to meet users' needs for information security and privacy protection. MIS1 does not collect your personal data. MIS1 does not sell your personal data. MIS1 protects your personal data (PHOTOS SCANS NOTES CONTACTS etc...) and natively encrypts your SMS and EMAIL communications from end to end. 

Why should I pay for MIS1 when there are FREE applications?

...when you use a FREE application, it's clear that YOU ARE THE PRODUCT. No company can pay its workload without revenue. So it has to make money somewhere, and if not by selling its app, then the company that makes the app makes its money with your personal data! 

With MIS1, we don't collect your data, we don't sell your data, which is why we don't have a free version. 

You pay for your license (between $5 and $19 per month depending on the version) because you are not the product. Our philosophy is to preserve your privacy and your communications.

I have an iPhone, can I use MIS1?

...MIS1 is designed for ANDROID devices. To use MIS1, you need an ANDROID phone. We're working on a version for IPHONE, but it's not yet available.

We invite you to consider that 45% of cell phones run on Android. So it's a good idea to switch to Android and use MIS1 as your main application.

Want to try MIS1? Don't wait any longer!

MIS1 is a software environment that protects your data and privacy on your smartphone.